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Charities Funding Partnerships for America provides our nonprofit partners with unique CARES-Links ©  CARES-QRs © that our IT & Communications office has created for each registered partner that includes their specific EIN identification. CARES-Links ©  CARES-QRs ©  are provided to our partners, for use on all of their communication formats: email, websites, social media posts, and conventional mailed letters. The CARES-Links ©  CARES-QRs ©  provide the nonprofits Supporters with immediate access to the CARES Referrals for Charities registration platform © and identifies the nonprofit for inscription on the CARES-Referral ©  that develops referral funding for donation for specific nonprofits.

Charities Funding Partnerships for America provides our Volunteers with CARES-Packets ©

The CARES-Packets © are emailed to Volunteers that have registered with our Charity and include instructions & documents developed for our Volunteers to use when registering:

  • Buyers & Sellers of real estate in the CARES Referrals for Charities © program

  • Grassroot Charities & Nonprofits that are serving the community,

  • Advocacy Volunteers support all Charities & nonprofits.

  • Charities Volunteers support specific Charities & nonprofits

  • Student Volunteers in High Schools & Colleges across the United States

  • Senior Volunteers



Send us your stories about connecting with families & friends to fund Charities

Beth had just volunteered, and had designated the referral funding she developed to be donated to Save The Children, when she heard that her Cousin Barbara who lives in the Chelsea area of Boston, was planning on moving to Naples this Winter.  Beth called her, discussed our amazing program, and sent her a CARES-Link © to connect with our funding registration platform and website, and asked her to list Save The Children,  as the Charity she wanted Barbara to direct CARES to fund.


Barbara registered, and is planning on selling her home in November for @ $1,700,000 That means Save The Children will receive a donation of $11,500.00 from Charities Funding Partnerships for America, because one person decided to Volunteer.



Barbara is planning to fund the Habitat for Humanity when she purchases her new home in Naples sometime in December, and in even better news  Barbara's friend from college John, who is living in Seattle, plans to move to Los Angeles soon, and she expects that John will use the CARES program to fund his favorite nonprofit Wounded Warriors Project.


look at the effect the one Volunteer can have

Beth was not buying or selling, but she wanted to help her Charity, which she will, Save The Children will receive an $11,500 because of Beth ... In addition, Beth has indirectly assisted in funding Habitat for Humanity, when Barbara buys her home in Naples, and Wounded Warrior Project will receive referral funding when John sells his home in Seattle and again when he buys a home in Los Angeles.



given the price of homes Beth's one call to her Cousin will provide funding for 3 Charities

4 referrals with estimated donations over   $37,000.00 !


Charities Funding Partnerships for America is going to be presenting BETH  4 Volunteer Advocacy Awards

for her assistance in funding Charities.  Volunteer awards: $200.00 for every referral of a Buyer or Seller

of real estate our Volunteers register in CARES program that purchase or sale of real estate

develops funding for Charities & nonprofits.

CARES Referrals for Charities  ©


we love to hear about our HEROS that are making a real difference in their communities 

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